data lineage

Lineage should be emergent, generated automatically. Bruin provides end-to-end data lineage, from raw data to final reports.

Trusted by innovative teams

End-to-end lineage

Keep track of your data

Keeping track of the data lineage is a manual and error-prone process.

Say hello to emergent lineage: the lineage is generated automatically, from raw data to final reports.

Source lineage
Built-in data ingestion capabilities of Bruin enables you to keep track of ingestion down to the source.
Multiple languages
Automated lineage generation for both SQL and Python, bridging the gap when it comes to lineage.
Generated automatically
Bruin reads all of your pipelines across all of your projects, building a single unified view into your data lineage.
Lineage with all the metadata
Keep track of costs, usage, risks and other metadata within the same lineage view.

Best-in-class lineage

Identify impact automatically

One of the most painful parts of data lineage is identifying the impact of a change.

Bruin allows you to understand the impact of a change automatically, across all of your pipelines and projects.

Capture source lineage
Built-in data ingestion capabilities of Bruin enables you to keep track of ingestion down to the source.
Cross-language dependencies
Bruin builds your pipeline dependencies automatically, and allows you to define dependencies across languages for your assets.
Analytics + AI/ML
Thanks to the unified infrastructure with multiple languages, you can easily combine analytics and ML / AI workloads in the same pipeline.
Automated alerting
You will get alerted in case something goes wrong with your pipeline, regardless of the language you use.
Asset Lineage

Team-level impact

Owner lineage

Bruin builds not only data lineage, but also owner lineage. Understand who exactly is impacted by any change, notify teams, and identify dependencies between teams.

App screenshot
Team-level dependencies
It is not just data, but teams that depend on each other. Identify dependencies, optimize organizational structure & data ownership.
Identify impact on teams
Automatically identify teams that depend on each other, identify the impact of changes, and notify the right teams.
Across boundaries
Bruin makes it easy to understand dependencies across teams, projects, and pipelines. No more silos.

Supercharge your data team

Bruin enables you to get the benefits of a central data team without having one. Focus on the business, not on the infrastructure.